- Orthopedics
- Scoliosis Surgery - Prof. Mehmet AYDOĞAN
Scoliosis Surgery - Prof. Mehmet AYDOĞAN
There are various techniques of scoliosis surgery.
Scoliosis Surgery - Prof. Mehmet AYDOĞAN

Scoliosis is where the spine twists and curves to the side. It usually occurs in children, but can also affect adults.
How is Scoliosis Diagnosed?
Plain X-rays are used to confirm scoliosis and reveal the situation of it. After that treatment methods are determined. Treatment methods vary based on the severity of your condition and any other health conditions you may have.
Diagnosis of scoliosis includes two types of X-ray. The first is the AP view that is taken from profile. This shows the curve of your spine in relation to your pelvis and hips. The second type is a lateral view, which shows how much you're leaning over to one side compared with another. An orthopedist will use these X-rays as well as measurements from other tests in order to determine whether you have idiopathic scoliosis.
Effects of Scoliosis to Our Live
Scoliosis affects the vertebrae in your spine. Vertebrae is which are small bones that make up both sides of your spinal column. f you have scoliosis, one side of your body will be curved slightly more than the other side. Scoliosis can range from mild to severe. But even if you have mild scoliosis, it could progress over time and become an issue later on in your life. Scoliosis can affect people of all ages. İt seems generally children and adolescents. %3 of the children between 10-13 ages have scoliosis. This is about 1 in every 33 children. Scoliosis also affects adults but this is a rare situation than it is in children. A child with mild scoliosis can be treated with a brace or exercises to strengthen their core muscles. In addition, some exercises are also effective. Doing these exercises regularly will help them improve posture, strengthen their back muscles, and prevent future curvature as they grow older.
Surgical Intervention is Necessary in Scoliosis?
Surgery is a serious procedure and should only be considered when other treatments have failed. Surgery is recommended only in extreme cases of scoliosis that do not respond to non-surgical care or if they progress rapidly.
There are various techniques of scoliosis surgery. The operation for scoliosis is a spinal fusion (correction of spinal deformity). The basic idea is to realign and fuse together the curved vertebrae so that they heal into a single, solid bone. With the tools and technology available today, scoliosis surgeons are able to improve curves significantly. There are various techniques of scoliosis surgery and these techniques are determined according to the patient's degree and location of scoliosis.